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Luksic Scholarship for Chile-China Undergraduate Exchange

Años Activo: 2018 - 2021 Pasados

Semester abroad program for undergraduate students at business schools in China and Chile

Postulaciones: Cerradas


Applications: Closed


Santiago, Chile - Beijing, China - Shanghai, China


Undergraduate students attending Universidad de Chile FEN, Peking University Guanghua SOM, and Fudan University SOM

Acerca del Programa

After more than a decade of working with Tsinghua University in China, Luksic Scholars expanded to two other universities in China (Guanghua School of Management at PKU and Fudan School of Management) while creating a new scholarship at home in Chile at the Universidad de Chile. For the first time, an undergraduate scholarship was developed and now students from these three schools have the opportunity to study abroad in a Chile-China exchange program. This program has benefitted very talented young students, many of whom had never traveled outside of their home country before receiving the Luksic Scholarship.

Para convertirse en un becario, el candidato deberá obtener la beca directamente de la universidad a la que postulará. La universidad es la exclusiva encargada de asignar la beca o apoyo, y lo hace a su completa discreción e idoneidad, sujetándose solamente a las condiciones de elegibilidad establecidas en el programa respectivo y en sus estatutos. Fundación Luksic Scholars no tiene injerencia en los procesos de postulación, admisión, selección ni adjudicación de las becas.

Qué dicen los Scholars

The idea of studying for a semester in China was something I could only fantasize about in my dreams, but the scholarship made it possible, and it was one of the most enriching experiences of my life.»

Jeremías Cortés, 2018

year founded


participants to date

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