Ismael Espinoza
Babson SEE and SEE Luksic Fellow
Director of Entrepreneurship, Universidad Mayor

I am the director of entrepreneurship and Manager of the DSchool at Universidad Mayor in Chile, first design thinking school in Latin America (in collaboration with the Hasso Platner Institute).
The tools and experience I gained at Babson marked a turning point in my career.”
In my roles I am responsible for implementing the design thinking methodology with the objective of promoting the character, skills and motivation needed to develop in people and students, the entrepreneurial spirit that will allow them to add value to society by solving complex problems.
I am also the Director of La Fábrica (The Factory), a robust entrepreneurship program and platform of the Universidad Mayor that was designed and validated as a direct result of my experience at Babson College as a Luksic Fellow after participating in a Chilean Symposium for Entrepreneurship Educators in Chile. The Factory is the unit responsible for transforming entrepreneurial projects into reality, by generating products and/or services that deliver social and economic value for themselves and for others.
There is no doubt in my mind that the tools and experience I gained at Babson marked a turning point in my career and helped launch important initiatives that generate opportunities for the next generation of entrepreneurial students in Chile.