International Seminar “Transforming learning through creativity, science, technology and innovation”
Santiago, RM, Chile
As part of the US Embassy Grant, ecosiSTEAM implementation workshops will be held across the country.
To address these challenges we will have the participation of Richard Elmore, a Harvard University professor and expert in leadership and improvement of school systems, who currently leads research on transformative learning spaces and Saba Ghole (Via teleconference) co-founder of the outstanding innovation academy for young people, NUVU based on the MIT learning model.
The seminar will feature the intervention of national experts who will discuss these ideas with international experts in a panel.
Limited places.
There will be simultaneous translation.
Parking in Bicentennial Park or Hotel Atton Vitacura (Av. Vitacura 3201).
Richard Elmore joined the faculty of the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 1990, having previously taught at the College of Education, Michigan State University, and the Graduate School of Public Affairs, University of Washington. He is a member of the National Academy of Education, and a past president of the Association for Public Policy and Management, the national organization representing graduate programs in public policy and management. He has held positions in the federal government as a legislative liaison with the U.S. Congress on education policy issues. He is currently director of the Doctor in Educational Leadership (Ed.L.D.) program at HGSE. His current research and clinical work focuses on building capacity for instructional improvement in low-performing schools. He spends at least one day per week in schools, working with teachers and administrators on instructional improvement. He is coauthor of Instructional Rounds in Education: A Network Approach to Improving Teaching and Learning (Harvard Education Press, 2009), and author of School Reform From the Inside Out: Policy, Practice, and Performance (Harvard Education Press, 2004).
ecosiSTEAM promotes and implements a focus on learning models that allow for the accelerated development of new capacities and abilities related to science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM), to enhance the creative and innovative capacities of Chilean youth and ensure their full participation and inclusion in the challenges of the 21st Century. Developed by DRCLAS with the support of the US Embassy in Chile, ecosiSTEAM is an ecosystem that aims to transfer and adapt effective frameworks for STEAM, maker-centered learning, creativity, and innovation by translating a suite of scholarly articles and teacher resources developed by Harvard faculty and researchers for the Chilean context. The project aims to strengthen local capacity at different levels by hosting a series of seminars and workshops throughout Chile.
How to Attend
Registration is requested. Use the Sign Up link below.
Sign UpOrganized By: Harvard DRCLAS Regional Office in collaboration with the US Embassy and Ministry of Education